Letter to the Editors: “New Board President”

(September 4)

I was reading the most recent issue of the weekly and was intrigued by the articles on the board. I think it’s necessary for the students at Parker to be aware of what the board does and what it’s planning to accomplish. A lot of times students see student government and other potential school changing initiatives as outlets to change their personal experiences. Though this is true, it’s also important to change the school for students who will come after us. Even when our proposals and initiatives will not come into effect while we are at the school, the impact of the long term change will be monumental. If the Parker students are able to understand what the board does, they’re one step closer to leaving a strong, positive legacy at Parker for future students. Students being interested in changing the school for generations down the line is directly following the school’s mission and ideology. Our community spans beyond just these four years. This community spans all of the school’s history, present, and future. The board is the outlet to student-led change.

Great job on the articles,

Rachel Gledhill ’17