A Microscope of the Model Home, Issue 11
Seniors Only
Photo credit: Maddy Leja
Cartoon by cartoonist Maddy Leja.
As we all know, and seem to be reminded almost daily, this past year and a half has been super wonky. As a graduating Senior, I felt disconnected from Parker and my grade. Even once we were back in the building I didn’t feel as if I was truly a big fish in this Parker bubble. There were kids in my grade that I hadn’t spoken to, or even seen, in over a year. I felt more like an independent student working towards the day I would graduate and not a member of the senior class.
However, this past week remedied my fears of graduating without feeling like a part of the community I will be leaving behind. Spending time just being together with each other, having fun and being silly, reminded me what Parker offers us outside of academics. I was able to speak to people who I normally don’t see and feel like part of the community again.
The shining jewel of last week’s Senior retreat and programming was Prom. I went to Prom sophomore year, and it was mostly taking pictures and sitting around talking to my friends. But this year, I remember the pure joy I had at Prom. I was on the dance floor for almost the entire night and I was happy to be surrounded by my entire grade. Even the teachers were quick to say it was the best prom they had been to in years. Prom was a visual representation of the family that is created within a grade at Parker.
By having only seniors at Prom, I felt like we were back in seventh grade at a Bar Mitzvah. I enjoyed being around my grade and was shown reasons why I love each and every one of the people who grew up alongside me. It felt like a goodbye, but not in a sad way. Prom was able to give us all closure on our time at Parker.
As I get ready to leave this place where I have spent the past seven years of my life, the place where I grew up. I am not only so grateful for Thursday night and the time with my peers, but also know Prom will stand out as one of the best memories from my time at Parker.