Every summer, locals and travelers await the exciting first weekend of August, otherwise known as Lollapalooza. Lollapalooza began on July...
As Upper School students fill the hallways during passing periods, breaks, and lunch, there’s one thing that they all have in common: they’re...
Cookies can be described in two ways. Chewy and sweet, or educational and entertaining. While the first description describes some of the desserts...
The Parker Colonels baseball team beat Noble Academy on Sunday, May 14, with a score of 15-0. Contributing to that success was freshman Joseph Evans’s no-hitter. Evans said that the team's thought process...
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Parker Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) Underwater Robotics Team, Subaquatic Solutions, attended the MATE ROV Competition for underwater robotics, along with seven other high schools....
As I sat down in Dr. Frank’s office to conduct an interview, I couldn’t help but notice the various items that decorated his walls and shelves. Photos of him, both working at Parker and attending Parker adorned...
Ty Donath was elected as president of Student Government this past spring. Donath has been thoroughly involved in the Parker community since his freshman year when he transferred from Lincoln Elementary. Off...
From babysitting in the series “The Baby-Sitters Club” to scooping ice cream in the show “Stranger Things,” summer jobs are deeply embedded in American popular culture. Tasks such as mowing lawns,...
At the end of each day, Head of Upper School Cory Zeller reviews her notes tucked within a hefty binder. This binder contains hours upon hours of important, handwritten records that detail conversations...
As Parker officially opens its doors for the new school year, Student Government will open its doors for 88 new freshmen. This fall, a new generation of cabinet members and committee heads will settle...
Election season has officially come to a close. Colorful posters have been taken down, speeches have been given, and a new cabinet has begun...
In the second floor hallway, across from the auditorium, hangs a stone and metal plaque. In glinting silver lettering it reads “Karyn Kupcinet...
Parker students all know Alex Chaouki. He’s a multifaceted man: DoorDasher, student, reselling entrepreneur, and active Parker community member....
The field is the schools “largest classroom” where students learn during Physical Education class (PE), play during recess and after school, and compete in team practices and games. In fact, 70% of Parker’s...
Students pass by the doors of the Parker admissions office to go to the library, the cafeteria, to their classes, every single day. But what goes on behind those blue doors? The Parker admissions process is “tedious,”...
"Mr. McHale was my first Parker PE teacher and taught me what’s it’s like to be a Parker student and how to be a better member for the Parker community. He would always ask me countless reminders of my baseball...
My fingers have a favorite key. It's the one that makes everything disappear, the delete button. It's a cute, comfortable, non-committal square...
For the first several years of my time at Parker, I would cry every morning and beg my mom not to leave. It came to a point where I had to practice...
If you try and don’t succeed, try and try again, I guess. The first article I wrote in this column explained that I wouldn’t follow the cellphone/smartwatch...
New year, new schedule, new lunch blocks. Same old faces, same familiar hallways—except now, the senior chairs have shifted. Every year, we...
The 2023-24 school year will be ‘The Parker Weekly’s” 113th year of continuous publication.
Editors-in-Chief Harry Lowitz ’24, Benjamin Kagan ’24, and Hanna Bilgin ’24 currently lead “The Parker Weekly.” Kate Tabor and Eric Rampson serve as “The Weekly’s” faculty advisors.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Articles and editorials published on this website do not reflect the views of the Francis W. Parker School. Our opinions do not represent those of the school. All articles undergo a thorough publication process and are edited and reviewed by the editors-in-chief of The Parker Weekly and our faculty advisors.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
View articles by month since 2015.
On Wednesday, March 13 at 5:00 pm, Parker will debut Mean Girls The Musical in the auditorium. The musical will also be performed on March 14 at 7:00 pm, March 15 at 7:00 pm, and March 16 at 1:00 pm for...
At 9:47 pm tonight, Thursday, January 11th Principal Dan Frank ‘74, and Assistant Principal Priyanka Rupani emailed a notification to students, faculty, staff, and parents and guardians, letting them...
From November 29 through December 2, students were given the opportunity to participate in the Student Diversity Leadership Conference. This year was the 25th anniversary of the Student Diversity Leadership...