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The student news site of Francis W. Parker School

The Parker Weekly

The student news site of Francis W. Parker School

The Parker Weekly

Who is “The Chaouk Man?”

An in-depth interview with junior Alexander Chaouki
Alex Chaouki. Photo courtesy of Parker portal.

Parker students all know Alex Chaouki. He’s a multifaceted man: DoorDasher, student, reselling entrepreneur, and active Parker community member. But how many people really know him? How many people truly understand his opinions on Parker, COVID, running a business, and more? Alex and I sat down for a fifteen-minute interview on May 20 when I learned all about who “The Chaouk Man” really is.


What was it like coming to Parker?

– I think it was pretty rough coming to Parker during COVID, which, I guess, made it very hard. The bridge program was very… let’s just say they didn’t put a lot of time into planning it. And we were kind of put off to the side. I felt like I was not given a good opportunity to meet new people or integrate into the school like they promised us, and I personally found that very disappointing because once the school year started, it was kind of harder to make friends and harder to fit in because we didn’t know anybody.


How would you talk about your experience at Parker overall, now that you’re a junior, almost senior?

  • I would say, after COVID, the experience definitely got a lot better when the school opened up, you know, removing mask mandates and overall just opened up grades and stuff. We were able to connect more with each other and just have a better time in the school. I think that COVID threw everybody off, not just Parker, but I guess Parker was thrown off pretty badly for a while, and I think the bridge program would be a good place for it to start to get better. I know everyone says that but like, there’s really been nothing done. You know, my sister just went through that, and nothing actually changed. I think that the school should definitely work a little harder to integrate new students.


How would you describe yourself as a person?

  • I would say, very extroverted and open to talk to really anybody about anything that’s either going on in my life or outside of my life. I’d say I’m a funny, good person to be around.


A lot of people commend you for your entrepreneurial mind. You are clearly very good at business and businesslike thinking. Is this a natural skill of yours or is this something you’ve created over time? 

  • I think I’m pretty good at starting business or running businesses. I resell shoes, resell clothing, and it’s a great business. I resell on StockX and eBay., I really suggest that to anybody that’s going into it, who might know a little bit about shoes and reselling because you can get really good deals out there on stuff at stores that you wouldn’t expect. And even if you pay full price for an item, you’re still able to book a lot of the time. If you’re doing your math right and accounting for fees and shipping and all that, you can come out with a pretty good profit on some items. You just have to, you know, be aware of what’s dropping, be aware what’s going on, and you’ll be able to make a profit. I have a lot of really cool items lying around while you’re waiting to sell them, which I get complimented on a lot.


Do you plan on going into business?

  • I’m definitely going to major in some kind of business or entrepreneurial something or another. I’m not really sure what yet, but I’m very excited to see where that takes me. 


A lot of people would describe you as a very social person. Have you always been that way?

  • No, I have not actually really started if you knew me freshman, if most people only knew me freshman year, I was very quiet. I didn’t really like to talk to anybody else besides maybe a couple people. And it was I think that had to do go back to like the integration into Parker but it was also mainly before that before COVID. I was, I’d say, medium social, like I would hang out with a bunch of people, but I wouldn’t really be open to expanding who I hang out with. But COVID really threw me off. We moved out of state during COVID which I also think didn’t help. I was away from people that I knew, and I had to do online stuff. I was kinda isolated with only my family, which isn’t a bad thing, but I do like being around other people. I really think that did throw me off.


As you reflect back on your time as a high schooler and as a student in general, would you give yourself any advice to the like freshman version of yourself?

  • Yeah, I would say work harder. Talk to your teachers. I think that was something that’s hanging over my head still as I’m applying to college. I think that any freshman or sophomore could really take that advice and apply it to their classes because it’s something that you really need to worry about. Those grades freshman year do really matter. And I feel like I wasn’t fully aware that they mattered as much, but now obviously I’m understanding that they do.


As you are going into your senior year of high school (and you’re about to go to college), do you plan on continuing your entrepreneurial activities? 

  • I’m planning on continuing reselling clothing and stuff in college. I’m not sure where I’m gonna end up yet, but I’m assuming I’m probably not going to end up in a city that is as easy to resell in as Chicago. Chicago has everything. Designer stores and a bunch of big stores that sell everything that you can get good deals for. There’s not really much of that in other places besides some big cities, so I think that it will for sure have an impact on me, but I will be able to adapt and find something else. 


What advice would you give to anyone who also wants to go into similar businesses as yourself?

  • It’s never too early to start. You can always start somewhere and figure it out as you go. It’s not as hard as people would think to start a successful business, whether it be reselling or I guess making stuff or any of that. It’s really not that difficult. You just have to put your mind to it. And you’ll be able to make it. You might struggle your first couple of months while you build up your reputation, but eventually you’ll make it and you’ll think of your past when you do.


As you deal with balancing school and your businesses and social activities, how do you prioritize things and how do you figure out how to spend your time?

  • School always comes first. I really didn’t prioritize it that way when I was younger, but now I am. I always put school first. I work hard at school, and then I go, you know, let’s say, go to the store, buy clothing, buy any of that, and ship stuff out. But school always has to come first.
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About the Contributor
Sejal Ahuja
Sejal Ahuja, Online Editor
Sejal is thrilled to spend her second year on “The Weekly” as an online editor! In between uploading articles to the fabulous Weekly website and writing articles of her own, she enjoys reading, listening to music, and watching movies. She is also head of MX communications, and a Mock Trial head.