In Response to “Columbus Day”

Dear Editors,

Nice work with your article on Columbus Day!  It is beautifully written, provides evidence and includes modern day perspectives.  I do believe that we cover the consequences of his voyage in US History.  We read  Destruction of the Indies by Las Casas which paints an awful picture of the events that took place after Columbus’ journeys.  We also discuss the impact of French, Spanish, Portuguese, British and Dutch explorers/colonizers on the various indigenous populations.  Most of what I know came from the book “1491,” “Lies My Teacher Told Me,” and “A Different Mirror” from my favorite historian, Ronald Takaki.  They each make a point of exploring a different sense of the first “discoveries” and the environmental/social/economic impact on the colonies and its inhabitants.  The kids also get a chance to read a conservative and a liberal editorial in favor of and against celebrating Columbus Day.  So, I think we are doing a pretty good job providing multiple lenses.  I could spend a whole semester on that time period, but time has its constraints.  


Thanks for a great article and providing a useful student perspective to your readers.


Andrew Bigelow, Upper School history teacher