Letter From the Editors, Issue 4 – Volume CXI
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We hope this break was restorative and reflective, with opportunities to gorge yourself on gratitude and gravy. To be thankful now is more important but more difficult than ever, as we adjust both consciously and unconsciously to a pandemic whose rules and emotional impacts are often in flux. We invite everyone to take time this holiday season to acknowledge the Indigenous people whose role in Thanksgiving is so often misrepresented.
Here at “The Weekly,” we are thankful for our supporting and incisive faculty advisors, Kate Tabor and Eric Rampson, for our creative and dedicated staff who keep themselves open to learning, and for the complicated community we report on at 330 W. Webster. Thanks to the FDA, we are grateful that our little sibs in the Lower and Intermediate Schools can now be vaccinated against COVID-19. And to our faculty and staff, who do so much work behind the scenes but still come to class smiling and inviting learning, know that the entire student body has you all on our gratitude list.
We are also appreciative of all the great reporting for Issue 4 – check out Noemi Ponce’s thoughtful opinion on college merch, Alya Satchu’s coverage of the $6,000+ raised for Afghanistan refugees, and Eden Stranahan’s look at the Young Men of Color Symposium. Be sure to read the Editorial that takes on Parker’s “consumption culture” and the @fwpfits spread that celebrates Kiran’s favorite looks from the account.
Turkey turkey,
Jake, Emma, and Tess