Curious Jake — What Happened to 7-Eleven?
What Happened to 7-Eleven?
Photo credit: Evan Ehrhart
Neon green spells tragedy at 7/11.
What happened to the 7-Eleven? I’m not sure, but like most things in my life, I have a thought. Here, I offer to you my investigation into Parker’s most pressing community issue.
The closure of the 7-Eleven clearly has affected all facets of our daily life. Personally, I never go there, but many of my friends do. My advisory mates have a particular fondness for their greasy pizza, crinkly bags of chips, and energy drinks with unpronounceable chemicals. When I asked senior Finn Hall for comment, he had nothing more to say than “I miss it honestly, that’s all.” The bi-weekly meetings of the Tyler advisory have not been the same since the 7-Eleven closed in January of this year.
I first heard speculation that the 7-Eleven had closed because of health problems, whatever that meant. Seemed believable enough — that place is sort of gross. And, for a few days there was a neon green sign from the City of Chicago reading “License Suspended.”
The strange part is the state of the store for the last few weeks. The lights are on, food is on the shelves, but the store is closed. A simple sign on the window offers no details.
With the background out of the way, let’s talk facts. Sort of. Everything I write here is either a) my own investigation, b) hearsay from students and faculty, or c) somewhat informed speculation. More on that later.
I was tired of student speculation and wanted to figure out what truly had happened to the 7-Eleven.
My first step of research came to me one night. Lying in bed at 1 a.m., I remembered my fondness for government-run data sites. After a little Google-Fu I made my way to Health and Human Service’s subpage on A search for 2264 N. Clark Street offered me ten entries ranging from 2013 to January 2022. While a bit verbose the data was clear.
On January 21, the 7-Eleven was inspected for the first time since May of 2020 after a complaint. The results? Fail. The violations? Numerous. Concerning, and disgusting. The generic violations are there — no certified food manager on site at the time of inspection; must not use milk crates for storage and seating; grime and debris on floor. Then, the damning (to me) one. I quote verbatim from the “comments” section under item #38, insects, rodents, and animals: “OBSERVED TWO LIVE RATS AT REAR DISHROOM AREA GOING UNDER THE DOOR EQUIPMENT ROOM BY EXIT DOOR. … MUST CLEAN AND SANITIZE THROUGHOUT THE PREMISES. PRIORITY VIOLATION:7-38-030(A), CITATION ISSUED.”
Ouch. Gross. Well, that’s the story then, right? The 7-Eleven is closed because of numerous health violations? Case closed.
Not! A mere five days later, on January 25, the 7-Eleven was reinspected. And… it passed! So why, then, is the store still closed? This is where things get murky. Here’s the (b) and (c) I mentioned — hearsay and professional, personal opinion.
A certain faculty member who frequented the 7-Eleven told me that before the pandemic, he overheard someone at the 7-Eleven — presumably the owner — talking to someone else about how, if he couldn’t obtain a liquor license he would have to close.
The store not being able to obtain a liquor license is not unlikely at all. The City of Chicago will not (unless under special circumstances) issue a liquor license to any establishment within 100 feet of a school.
I consulted with a business law professional. He told me that it is certainly probable that the store not making enough money, combined with the health violation, meant that the 7-Eleven franchisee could no longer operate the store, and that it is closed until 7-Eleven corporate can find a new owner. Additionally, 7-Eleven is infamous for being a poorly organized franchise, so this situation would come as no surprise.
This is my best theory, backed up with on-the-ground reporting, official government data, and a little dash of speculation. I hope that I have quenched your Big-Gulp-sized-thirst for knowledge. I wish I had more news on when we might see the return of the gorgeous, glistening rolling hotdogs, or the suspiciously cheap pizza, but alas. This will have to do.
7-Eleven corporate did not respond for comment. I tried.
Best regards,
Jacob Boxerman (“Curious Jake”)