Goodbye Morning Flex

Morning Flex period is replaced with Graderoom


For many consecutive years, the Parker auditorium has housed three weekly Morning Exs (MX), but that has recently changed. After COVID-19, the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday MXs were reduced to events only on Monday and Friday. Last year, the Wednesday Morning Ex was replaced with Morning Flex; a break period which MXs occasionally occurred during. This year, Morning Flex was replaced with  Graderoom.   

MX is an assembly that meets in the mornings at the beginning and end of each week. It is a chance for students to observe school-related endeavors and connect across grades. 

Auditorium Manager Tom Moster shared his opinion about the reason Morning Flex was implemented. “I knew that there had been a discussion for a few years about the realistic needs of all students,” Moster said. “Time outside of MX seemed to be more useful. As a result of an ongoing need to address scheduling issues overall, it provided a chance to test out a flexible MX schedule; which we did last year with Morning Flex.”

Moster believes that two MXs per week “serves the majority of the community best.” Without Morning Flex, Upper School students have one less break on Wednesday. 

“I believe they removed it because the majority of the time it was just a free period, and MX Flex was originally there to be more flexible if there was a conflict regarding COVID-19,” MX Communications Head Ben Graines said. Ben also included that this was the first topic he and the other members of the committee discussed and heard about at their first meeting of the year. Graines also noted that no MX student heads had any involvement in this change.

Sophomore Julia Josephson appreciates having only two MX’s per week. “I’ve liked having two MXs a week. It was a reasonable change that has allowed the student body some time to relax and enjoy time with friends during Graderoom,” Josephson said. “I believe that having two a week will ensure that each of our MXs are important, engaging, and inspiring.”

This was not a student-led change, but it did not adversely affect the student body. It had a low impact – most people believe the change has not created major issues. 

“I think it shows the ongoing commitment to do everything possible to value each member of the community’s time,” Moster said.