Paws For Parker

Parker’s Only Canine Focused Club Expands


On Wednesday, October 18, Paws for Parker had their first meeting of the year led by Sophomore Devon Chatales, now serving her second year as the Paws to Parker’s head. Chatalas reinvigorated the club last year as a freshman. The club has since continued to grow and explore new projects. 

“The Paws for Parker club is an organization for the student body to be connected over a shared love of animals, to help and give back to the community by volunteering and raising money,” Devon said.

The organization has not been able to do much volunteering yet so a goal for this year is to visit more animal shelters so the members can meet and help more animals.

“We are planning a trip to the Anti-Cruelty Society. Some of my biggest goals are to have volunteer opportunities because that is something we were not really able to do a lot last year,” Chatalas said. 

The club was accompanied by a foster puppy from the One Tail at a Time organization at their last event in the Parker alcove. Parker parent Christine Weil has a lot of experience with fostering dogs. She volunteered with the Paws for Parker organization for the first time and was able to bring in the puppy whose name is Janie. 

“I have fostered dogs with One Tail at a Time for about five years. Our first dog that we fostered was through One Tail and a Time, and we have fostered more and more since then. It was great that the kids were able to meet Janie in the alcove from One Tail at a Time,” Weil said.

Sophomore Jack Benson has been a member of the Paws for Parker organization for a year. “It’s been very fun. I felt like we have done a lot to help many shelters. We have been able to provide them with toys and food. It has been a very meaningful and fun experience,” Benson said. “The memorable moment was when we did a drive for dog food and toys that shelters really need. I want to help animals, and I figured this is the best way to do it while I was in high school.” 

Weil is also excited to see the club moving forward this year after her first meeting with the group. “I think it’s great that Paws for Parker is bringing awareness of the needs of the animal rescue community because there are so many animals out there that need homes.” Weil said. “I am excited to see what develops for the Paws for Parker.”