In Response to “Cloe Raynal”

Dear Editors,

Merci beaucoup for the lovely article on Cloé Raynal’s first-semester visit. The level of interaction Cloé had on a daily basis with our students was invaluable. We hope to remain in touch and perhaps even initiate a Skype exchange with other students from her school in the south of France. A big merci especially to Mr. Amos who, thanks to a personal connection with friends of Cloé’s family, made her extended stay possible. We remain ever grateful to Parker families and students who support the wonderful international initiatives (such as AFS and a variety of other foreign-language trips and exchanges) promoted at Parker. Your participation at every level in these programs results in extremely positive and often life-altering experiences for visiting international guests and their Parker hosts. Though Cloé did not live with a Parker family, she felt very much part of our community by the end of her stay and extends a hopeful A bientôt (See you soon!) to her new Parker friends.

-Cynthia Marker, Upper School French teacher