Success Against Mather

Girls Basketball Team Defeats Mather High School

Photo credit: Sam Forst

Basketball captains Anya Landolt, Lucy Wrubel, and Caroline Skok pose together.

On December 9, Parker’s girls basketball team took victory against Mather High School in the annual White Out Game. With a score of 44-38, the girls played a close game. In the first quarter, Parker girls took the lead with 15 points to 8.  By the second quarter, Parker had scored 16 more points while Mather scored nine. In the final two quarters, Parker lost momentum, and scored 13 points while Mather scored 21. Despite this, Parker kept the lead and won the game. 

The girls White Out Game began at 6:00 pm at Alumni Hall on the Depaul University campus. All members of the Parker community were invited to watch. Coach Christina Barnett has led the team throughout the winter season. 

“That was a great win,” Barnett said. “I was very satisfied with the girls and the way they actually played. What I’ve been pulling out of them is playing clean basketball, controlled basketball, and team basketball. Seeing the girls come out and play that way was everything I’ve been and asking them to show up with every single game.”

In the future, Barnett wants to maintain momentum and develop consistency throughout the game. 

“Going over the stats, we were really outscoring the team in the first half.  I want us to be able to play four quarters that way,” Barnett said. “It seemed like in the second half we lost our energy and slowed down.” 

Barnett appreciates the connection and support already developed between players. She encourages players to rely on each other and collaborate.

“They already have a rapport and a relationship outside of just basketball,” Barnett said. “I just tap into that by encouraging them to communicate more—find different ways to communicate whether it’s verbally or nonverbally on the court. Also, to lean into their strengths and weaknesses and push each other. So, when we show up for a game, it’s a balance on the floor.”

2022 marks junior Anna Swanson’s third year playing Parker basketball. She described the White Out Game as a “positive experience” partly due to the moments of bonding between players.

“Before [the game] we had all been together,” Swanson said. “We had a healthy meal, talked about the game, listened to hype music, and the captains helped prepare us. It was such a great experience beforehand and I think that’s what gets us hyped for the game.”

Despite the strong team culture, senior and team captain Anya Landolt was disappointed in the level of attendance and support from the Parker community. 

“While the girls and I were so excited about how well we played and winning, it’s still really upsetting to not see a lot of people in the crowd,” Landolt said. “We understand that we don’t play Latin so there isn’t as much of a rivalry there but It’s really disheartening to look into the stands and not even see your friends there.”

The boys basketball team played at 7:30 pm after the girls team. The game attracts a larger crowd and spirited student body. Most people show up to DePaul at this time, and skip the girls game entirely.

“Why can’t people come to just support the girls and the program we are trying to build?” Landolt said. “It really hurts me to know that when planning their evenings people make the conscious decision to not come to the girls game and only come at 7:30 for the boys game.”

The girls basketball team is constantly working to build a strong program supported by the Parker community. 

“How are we supposed to build a program when the students don’t even support it?” Landolt said. “I want to thank everyone that showed up and supported the girls, it meant a lot.”

Swanson described the game’s attendance as “disappointing”, especially at the beginning of the game. She also felt that there were less people this year than in previous years. 

“It kind of sucks to start the game and not have that many people there to cheer you on,” Swanson said.  “I think the start of the game is the most important and that’s what sets the impression for how the rest of the game is going to play out.”

Despite this, Swanson appreciated the support from the boys team and those who did attend. She described feeling happy about the win after a tough season.

“This season has been a little bit difficult because we went through a phase of not really winning— we would come really close but not be able to pull it off,” Swanson said. “It meant a lot to finally get a win.”