Latin Travels to Pompeii

Latin Classes at Parker Take a Trip to the Pompeii Exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry

Photo credit: The Parker Weekly

On Monday, April 24, all Latin classes furthered their learning by visiting Pompeii: The Exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI). With Latin teacher Sean Miranda, classes have been studying Roman homes and the events in Pompeii throughout the year.

According to a press release from MSI, Chevy Humphrey, President, and CEO of MSI, spoke to the exhibition’s fusion of history and technology and said, “The blend of scientific discovery and media-rich way of retelling history allows visitors to experience the awe of nature and human ingenuity. We’re thrilled to bring this innovative exhibition to Chicago and provide our guests with the ability to travel through time and immerse themselves in Pompeii with breathtaking, real-life examples of archeology, geology, earth science, art history, culture, and more.”

Students on the field trip saw artifacts from Pompeii at the time of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, including models of bodies turned to stone, and a short film describing the timeline of what happened. Students also had free time to enjoy other exhibits at the museum along with indulging in a Stan’s Donuts lunch.

Junior Izzy Markel takes Latin II and attended the trip.“There was a section in the Pompeii exhibit where you can pick up the actual tiles and move them around. It was really cool to expand my learning,” Markel said.

Sophomore Latin II student Gemma Franco shared her experience watching the short film. “I really enjoyed the interactive movie with the smoke. You could feel the emotions they felt. It was like I was there.”

Miranda touched on what it was like to visit and the significance of the exhibit. “I thought it was a nice, albeit small, exhibit that did a wonderful job showcasing the human side of Pompeii. Everyday items such as kitchen utensils and writing implements were on display alongside examples of classical art, such as marble statuary. The plaster casts of victims from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, of course, were poignant and a reminder that we are learning about the lives of real people in Latin class, not just noun declensions and verb conjugations.” 

When asked why he took the students there, Miranda said, “I took us to the exhibit because it was a rare opportunity to see the spotlight on something every Parker Latin student has or will discuss. It’s one thing to talk about Pompeii. It’s another thing entirely to see artifacts from the archaeological site. It was also wonderful to see everyone having a good time and thinking about Latin.”