To My Second Home, Parker
Photo credit: The Parker Weekly
Many people like to call their best friend’s house a “second home.” Others say their aunt’s house is a “second home.” For some, sleepaway camp is a “second home.” For me, Francis W. Parker is my second home.
Any childhood memory I can recall is from one of my fourteen years at this school. 77.7% of my life is within the “not so perfect” brick walls. Whether it’s the time my pants – and underwear, in case anyone was curious – fell down when playing woodchips in the “old,” red Parker playground, or Ms. Beh’s lower school drama classes, or silently exiting my car to hold hands with a fourth grader and get walked to my kindergarten classroom, I can confidently say I am who I am because of this school.
It brings tears to my eyes to imagine a life outside of my second home. Where will I go when I have a “headache” – more accurately, a math test I would love an extra night to study for – without Nurse Anne and her wall of holiday cards for my eyes to linger on? Where will I go when I need a “quiet space” to film a voice recording without the library that sounds more like a playground? Where will I go when I need a bagel? More specifically, a handmade bagel that is unlike the rest because it lacks the usual center circle a bagel is supposed to have… but seriously, where will I go? I’ll never find a cafeteria that sells the 11.5 fl oz Arizona Arnold Palmer’s for $1.65, a full dollar greater than the price I would buy that same can at Walgreens.
There is just something about this school, an indescribable charm, which quite frankly has only been revealed to me as I approach the end of my 14 year journey. Being in a high school of less than 400, I smile when looking back at every fleeting gaze or soft “hello” exchanged between strangers and friends during passing periods, every genuine word of encouragement shared among peers, and every passionate tangent embarked upon by dedicated teachers.
As you can see, it’s the smallest things about this school that will leave the largest holes in my heart. My graduation is just two weeks away, and the reality of moving 3,000 miles away – a distance I could never have imagined for myself– is almost as scary as auditioning for the Middle School Musical in front of Mr. Denien. I have never experienced a life outside of the “Parker bubble.” For better or for worse, this bubble truly is all I know.
Looking back to the most significant event in my Parker experience, the COVID-19 pandemic, I laugh imagining my presentation during Dr. Pope’s zoom class when about half way through my “covid-kitten” decided to hop on the piano keys. It was those experiences that leave me reflecting on the challenges the class of 2023 pushed through.
Throughout the pandemic, Parker faced significant challenges in navigating the ever-changing landscape of health and safety protocols. While opinions among parents, including my mother and her inability to try and see both perspectives, were divided on the school’s approach, I believe that these trying times actually brought the class of 2023 closer together, transforming us from mere classmates into a tightly-knit group of “siblings.”
Amidst the uncertainties and disruptions caused by the pandemic, our class found solace in each other’s support, encouragement, and love. We leaned on one another, understanding that we were all navigating uncharted territory. In times of isolation and distance learning, we connected virtually, sharing laughs, tears, and moments of triumph. The bonds we formed during these difficult times are stronger than ever, forging lifelong friendships and creating a sense of unity that will endure beyond our graduation.
So, to the future classes of Parker students, I encourage you to embrace the challenges that come your way. It is during these difficult times that you will discover the true strength of your community and the power of unity. Lean on one another, lift each other up, and never underestimate the impact of your support and kindness.
And I hope you take note of the lasting reputation that the class of 2023 left on Parker’s community. Our collective spirit and enthusiasm became synonymous with our class. We embraced the tradition of senior pranks, leaving a mark on the school’s inclusivity because finally the entire school was invited to a party! And while our antics may have disrupted the senior retreat for future classes, it was a testament to our camaraderie.
But also, it wouldn’t be fair to discuss the class of 2023 without acknowledging the infamous “senioritis” that gripped us. We navigated the delicate balance between the anticipation of our future and cherishing the memories we had created within the walls of Parker. Despite the occasional procrastination and diminishing motivation, our class managed to persevere and leave a lasting impact.
And of course, what stands out to me most is our unwavering loyalty to our beloved Dean of Students and fellow “senior,” Mr. Bruno. When faced with challenges and adversity, we rallied around him to show our dedication and unwavering support, which to me, truly demonstrated the strength of our class’s character and our commitment to the values instilled in us during our time at Francis W Parker.
In the hallways that echoed with our laughter, tears, and whispers of dreams, we have grown not just as students but as compassionate human beings. We have witnessed first-hand the power of unity, of rallying together as a force greater than the sum of its parts. The bonds forged within these walls, the friendships that have become our bedrock, are not merely fleeting connections but lifelong treasures that will withstand the test of time.
So, as we stand at the threshold of our graduation, ready to step into the world beyond the familiar confines of Francis W. Parker, a wave of bittersweet emotions washes over me. The memories we’ve created, the challenges we’ve conquered, and the accomplishments we’ve achieved together as the class of 2023 have imprinted themselves deeply within our souls. The person Francis Parker guided me to become will strongly power me when navigating the uncharted territories of adulthood.
Let us remember the countless hours spent in classrooms, the laughter shared in the cafeteria, and the tears shed during moments of triumph and defeat. Let us hold onto the connections we’ve formed, reaching out across time and distance to support one another in our future endeavors. Let us honor the legacy of Francis W. Parker by embodying the values it has instilled in us and continuing to make a positive impact on the world.
Farewell, dear second home. I’ll carry you with me as we spread our wings and venture into the great unknown. I will forever cherish the bonds I’ve forged, the memories I’ve created, and the love that will forever bind us as the remarkable class of 2023.