Contreras’s New Conquest
Jimmy Contreras Retires after 40 years
Photo credit: The Parker portal
Jimmy Contreras’s yearbook photo.
Jimmy Contreras, a valued member of Parker’s maintenance team has been keeping our school’s facilities in great shape since 1983. Now retiring, Contreras has spent 40 years with the Colonels. Contreras has contributed to multiple improvements and additions that often go unnoticed. Contreras and his team are responsible for keeping the school’s grounds in top condition.
In appreciation of his work, Parker students came together to fill a poster with statements of gratitude for all that Contreras has done. The poster is on display in the maintenance office.
“Warm and approachable, effective and kind, Jimmy’s can-do, “everything to help and nothing to hinder” professional standard, always added a light, friendly touch, an “I got this” approach to his work and relationships with so many of us,” says Dan Frank, principal. “Jimmy, I will miss you personally–your friendly smile and your big deep-voiced laugh and, along with all of us here at Parker, we wish you the very best in your well-earned retirement.”
Friend and coworker Miguel Munoz said “He was a great guy to work with. I learned a lot from him, and he was an all-around good person.” Contreras will be greatly missed by the Parker community as a whole, and his work as a maintenance technician has certainly left its mark.