If you know me, or have ever seen me fast walking down the Parker hallways, then you know that I almost always have something in each of my hands: in the left hand, my laptop snuggled underneath my shoulder, and in my right hand, a mini apple juice box from the cafeteria.
Since the beginning of 2024, the mini apple juice box has become more standard for me than a Starbucks peach green tea. And if you know me, you also know that I carry a peach green tea with me a lot. The only thing that beats it is an apple juice box. The juice boxes have been so successful with my cafeteria code because they are small, easy, reliable, and they rarely go out of stock.
You could argue with me and say that the juice boxes from the cafeteria are too small. I’ll argue back and say that you’re wrong. The SunCups are the perfect little treat for when you need a crisp and quick pick-me-up. Just take a few sips from the palm-sized box and you’ll feel better. Trust me. It’s not like a giant Tropicana which leaves you more sugared-up than satisfied, and it’s not like a Starbucks drink that leaves your pockets empty. It’s the Goldilocks of drinks, all in a one block radius from Parker.
For someone like me, constantly running around the school from floor to floor, the juice box is my perfect companion. I’ll sip on it while I speed walk to class. I’ll carry it when I’m running to a meeting I forgot about. I think that one of the main reasons I love SunCup is in fact because of its size. I use SunCups to get me through the busiest parts of my day as quick fuel. It’s not like I could walk through the sophomore benches with an open hot lunch. It would probably spill all over me while I push my way through the crowd. Same with going up and down the stairs. A SunCup is tiny, and can be protected while on adventures through the school. There isn’t anything else in the Cafeteria like that.
I wasn’t always a juice fan. When I first received my cafeteria code in fourth grade, my parents told me not to buy juice because the ones sold at Parker were so sugary. But, SunCups were introduced, and guess what! They have no added sugar and are so small that it’s negligible. It’s the perfect treat when I need something to get me through the day with a case of senioritis building.
Maybe I need to lighten up on the juice slightly. However, until I find something better, SunCup will be my go-to, and my most purchased item in the cafeteria.