Why do MXs feel so repetitive? Do we really need a robotics MX every year? Have I seen this exact slideshow before? These were the questions I asked myself as I sat down to what was probably my 200th MX in my time at Parker. To be honest, I tend to listen pretty passively to most MXs, usually just enjoying the fact that it’s a break from classes. Many students I know who have been at Parker their whole lives seem to agree with me, like one ninth grader who said they had an engagement level of “five or six on average” out of ten, which is probably where I would place myself as well.
When I began writing this, I expected to write a generally negative article. However, when I began interviewing people—mainly students new to Parker this year—their responses took me completely by surprise. I posed a few simple questions to a new Parker ninth grader, Amelia Luera, who in turn gave me a TED Talk quality speech about her genuine excitement for MX.
“[On scale of MX engagement, 1-10,] I’m honestly like a nine or 10. I’m fully focused on the MXs because since I’m new to Parker, it’s just so entertaining for me. I never had anything like this in my old school, and so I really just try to make the most of it,” she said.
Maybe it was the fact that it was far too late in the night, maybe it was the fact that the friends I was expecting complaints and criticism from were giving me completely opposite and far more valuable opinions, but this was a total call-out to me. I came to Parker in sixth grade, and since then, I had always thought of myself as being very aware of “Parker Privilege,” or at the very least, possessing the knowledge that the opportunities Parker offers are nowhere near normal. Had I really become one of those people complaining about things so many people would be so excited for? Had I really warned my new-to-Parker friends that “MXs will probably be boring, but it’s just a Parker thing?”
The specific MXs that felt the most boring to me were always the repetitive ones. As bad as it sounds, clubs and affinities didn’t really capture my attention anymore. However, when interviewing people about their favorite MXs, new-to-Parker ninth grader Alex Rodriguez said that his favorite MXs were the affinity group ones: “I understood why these people love their culture and who they are,” he said.
His comment made me reconsider my opinions and think about how MX is actually where Parker does their best work showcasing the student body’s diversity. These types of things are so important and impactful, especially for the younger students to grow up seeing. Additionally, MX is also one of the few times non-sport Parker activities are celebrated. There may be no musical theater homecoming, but there is an MX preview, and seeing the whole school watch and acknowledge the hard work people put into their varying passions is so special. I can clearly recall watching MXs of Upper School clubs as a middle schooler, sitting awestruck, appreciating musicals and Grape Jam performances, thinking about how cool it would be to do that one day. I might not feel that way about every MX, but if somewhere in the audience a little kid sees themself and their goals represented on stage, then I can definitely sit and be attentive for forty minutes.