Parker and Recreation

What Now?

I originally wrote an article on how to be a woman in Hillary Clinton’s America.

I didn’t even want to consider the possibility that she wouldn’t be President-Elect. Boy was I wrong. Maybe my preemptive writing was bad juju (not the on the beat kind, the superstitious kind). I have a very different type of article to write now.

Donald Trump is going to be President of The United States. There is nothing we can do to change that. No protest massive enough. No facebook rant or instagram picture of young, pretty Hillary Clinton with a caption about how #youllalwaysbewithher. If you’re really concerned about this, you should’ve gone out and campaigned more. Donald Trump was democratically elected by (almost) the majority of America. That is what we should be concerned about. America has a race, sex, religion, and sexual orientation problem embedded deep within our society.

Just last month the hashtag #repealthe19th was trending on twitter. The 19th. Amendment. AKA women’s right to vote. It’s gotten this bad. Are you kidding me, America? Go back to Slytherin.

Yet we owe it to that rotten cheeto to give him a chance. Can we wait to freak out and hate him until he actually does something? He literally has done nothing. He makes empty threats, and when he incites fear in you, he is winning. There is a reason we have a constitution. The president does not have absolute power.

Hillary haters–the election is over. She’s not president. An ambitious corn dog that escaped from the concession stand at an Alabama fairground, stole a wig, hopped on a train to Atlantic City, and never looked back is. Congratulations. I hope you’re happy. But don’t for a second be disillusioned into believing that the reason she lost isn’t because she is a woman. And don’t pretend that the reason you dislike her isn’t rooted in gender.

Compare any of Hillary Clinton’s towering achievements, or even her transgressions, to Trump’s, and she would’ve won. Maybe not against more reasonable Republicans. But against a misogynistic, racist goldfish with no political or military experience, a male Hillary Clinton would’ve won.

Why Hillary Clinton lost will be analyzed for years. People wanted change and were fed up with Washington’s current state. People were fed up with the current Washington. Every reason will be scrutinized as though it is of equal value. But they’re not. The main factor here was gender. Yes, the middle and lower classes are frustrated with the current state of our country. Yes, Hillary has made mistakes that some people find irreconcilable. But the media’s criticism of Hillary for being cold? That’s because she’s a woman. American gender roles tell us that she’s supposed to be warm and loving. Hillary Clinton is an unapologetic try hard because she has had to work so much harder to stay in the game. Even if not blatantly obvious, the double standard was imposed on her since she announced her candidacy two years ago.

It’s okay, though. She forgives you for giving her such a hard time. Hillary’s a woman. She’s used to having to work three times harder to get noticed for a job a man could be recognized for easily. She’s used to being the clear candidate with infinitely more experience and skill and still losing. She handled this with incredible grace like the goddess she is. But the sex issue is not even the most pressing. Yes, Hillary lost because she is a woman, but she wouldn’t have even made it this far if she was of color, or muslim. Those are the even more pressing issues.

So, stop crying and moaning. I get it, America’s current situation is horrifying and basically a Nazi nightmare come to life. But yout sharing that petition on facebook to abolish the electoral college is not going to fundametnally change the Constitution. Sorry to burst your bubble. We’ve had our time to wallow in self pity. It’s time to get back in the saddle and work towards making a positive change, irrespective of who is president. If you feel the need to protest, protest for something meaningful. Have a clear cut goal. Don’t just protest to protest, or it loses its power. Tears are for your pillow for the next four years.

I’m not saying don’t criticize Trump’s absurd promises and–eventually–actions. I’m not saying be complacent while our country is being ripped apart piece by piece. Nobody gets to have a monopoly on who is most upset about Trump.  We can all be upset. But that also means we have a responsibility to act on something important.


P.S. Michelle Obama says that when they go low, we go high. As you can see from this article, I have no problem going low. I’ve decided it doesn’t count as going low if it’s in writing. Sarcastic comments muttered under your breath also don’t count as “going low.” I don’t think it officially counts as “going low” unless a person 5 feet away from you can hear it.