12 Days MX

Annual Parker Tradition Delights Community

“Seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, five golden rings…” As students, faculty, parents, staff, administration, alumni, and more move their mouths to sing the words of “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” members of the current senior class gesture to display their costumes representing the gifts of the famous Christmas song.

An annual Parker tradition, the 12 Days MX occurs on the day before Winter Break. Through a mix of videos and live performances, the twelfth graders act out the song for the entire school, once for the younger kids and later for the high schoolers.

The song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” which originated in England in 1780, describes each of 12 types of gifts given to someone by their “true love.” The lyrics can be found here and a version of the song is to the right.

Run by the senior class presidents, this MX requires preparation starting before Thanksgiving, according to Upper School science teacher and co-senior grade head Xiao Zhang. It begins when the seniors pick their groups, which they do through a shared Google document. After that, the grade heads provide deadlines for rough drafts for the skits, and it’s up to the seniors to organize, practice, and–in the case of video performance–record.

“It’s a very student-led process in terms of the schedules,” Zhang said. “The process is complicated, but mostly students decide who they work with and how they come up with an idea and execute it.”

The grade heads only step in if they consider a skit inappropriate, though this did not happen this year, according to Zhang. “Issues have happened in the past, but the seniors know what we are asking of them,” Zhang said. “They know what the requirements are, and most of them take it very seriously.”

It brings people together. It’s a focal point right before winter break that creates a lasting sense of community.

For senior Leigh Logan, the 12 Days MX was an event she had been waiting for since she was little. “Having been at Parker for thirteen years and watching it so many times before, performing in 12 Days was a really unique experience,” Logan said. “It was stressful to prepare, but it was also really fun to perform.”

The MX appeals to more than just seniors. “It brings people together,” Principal Dan Frank said. “It’s a focal point right before winter break that creates a lasting sense of community.”

What is your favorite Parker tradition?

  • 12 Days (56%, 5 Votes)
  • County Fair (22%, 2 Votes)
  • Class Day (22%, 2 Votes)
  • Corinthians MX (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Big Brothers and Sisters (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 9

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Frank, a turtle dove in the MX when he was a senior, has witnessed the development of the MX more or less since he was a student.  This MX, like other Parker traditions, is appealing, Frank said, in its ability to be modified by students. “Over time, Parker traditions are infused with innovation,” Frank said. “There’s both a line of continuity to the past, but also augmentations and additions that are inspiring to the next generations.”

A video made in 2013 shows the Parker community performing the 12 Days song, and another vide0 from the 2010 calling birds skit can be found here.

The 12 Days Morning Ex will continue to evolve, Frank believes, and will be enjoyed–in currently unimaginable ways–by members of the Parker community for years to come.