In Response to “Tapping into A New Year”

Freshman year I took Ms. Lee’s Geometry+ course and moved on to her Algebra 2/Trigonometry class this year. The pattern I have followed in class, using my iPad everyday for notes, will end next year due to what classes Ms. Lee teaches and what methods other teachers choose for taking notes in class. I have never used my iPad for any other class.

iPad usage has been a topic debated in two of the three small groups I’ve led this year. This concerns me because I believe small groups should be spent talking about different issues. While taking a poll for the group I was leading, only two or three out of the 15 people said they used their iPads. Ms. Lee is the only teacher I know in the high school who uses iPads routinely in class, and she teaches only five of the 28 math classes.

It should also be kept in mind that the money the school receives for iPads is from a grant specifically for the use of iPads for students. Reiterating James Hulsizer’s report, the iPads cost $84, 952. In regards to the alternate uses of the money, if the school were to lower tuition costs with approximately 950 kids at Parker,only about $90 would be shaved off tuition fees. Personally, I think the money should go toward scholarships. This money would provide for a little under two and a half scholarships.


Jessie Cordwell ’19