In Response to “Weight-ing for a Solution”
Dear Editors,
In response to Ian Shayne’s article,
On behalf of Computer Technology Committee (CTC), I would like to say that the proposal to remove iPads from the hands of high school students was done due to the lack of use of the iPads. There were no textbooks on iPads as of last year. After polling both the student body and Upper School teachers, we learned that the iPad was going virtually unused.
Out of the high school last year, 135 students responded to our poll regarding to iPads. 14.4% of the students said they use iPads for classes, and the majority of the students said that the only class that extensively used (and still uses) iPads is Ms. Lee’s math. I wanted to clean up any confusion surrounding the reason for the removal of iPads. Additionally, if we see that there is once again a push to re-implement iPads, CTC is more than happy to embrace the reintroduction of an iPad program in the High School here at Parker.
Nathan Satterfield ‘19
Computer Technology Committee (CTC) Head