Humans of the March
Parker Students Speak Out
Please click through the following “Humans of New York” inspired pictures captured by Weekly staff members over the course of the Walkout.
About the Writers

Maya Sanghvi, News Editor
Maya Sanghvi is a senior in her third year of being on The Weekly staff. Currently, she is the News Editor, with previous experience as a Copy-Editor, Brief Writer, and Political Brief Writer. Maya looks forward to a great year of editing gripping Parker news. She also enjoys Harry Potter, scissors, and being on the school's golf team.

Avani Kalra, Editor-in-Chief
Avani Kalra is a senior and is ecstatic to be serving as an Editor-in-Chief of “The Weekly” this year. Previously, Avani has served as Editor-in-Chief in her junior year, a Copy Editor in her sophomore year, and a Staff Writer her freshman year. When not working on “The Weekly,” (which is rare) Avani can be found catching up on sleep... so don't call her with an AP style question.

Jack Maling, Staff Writer
Hi, my name is Jack Maling, I am a Junior here at Francis W. Parker and a staff writer for the Weekly. I joined the Weekly for the first time this year, hoping to gain a greater understanding of current events both in the school and around the world. Along with this I hope to learn about journalism and gain new skills that will help me in the future.
Galia Newberger, Culture Critic
Galia Newberger is a senior enjoying her second year on "The Weekly." In addition to her roles as an MUN captain, FWPMUN III director general, speech team captain, and social committee head, Galia enjoys ballet, debate, and reading.

Ian Shayne, Editor-in-Chief
Ian Shayne is a senior and stoked to serve as Editor-in-Chief this year. As a junior, he served as Online Co-Editor; as a sophomore, Domestic Political Brief Writer; and as a freshman, Staff Writer. In addition to working on “The Weekly,” Ian plays soccer, leads Economics Club, and serves as a head of SADD.

Celia Rattner, Features Editor
Celia Rattner is a senior entering her third year on the staff of “The Parker Weekly” and is excited to assume her role as Features Editor. In years past, Celia has served as a Copy Editor and a Staff Writer. When she’s not writing articles, Celia participates as a member of Parker’s Model UN and softball teams.

Natalie Daskal, Political Liaison
Natalie Daskal is a junior in her third year on the staff of “The Weekly”. She currently serves as a Political Liaison. Last year Natalie was a staff writer. Outside of “The Weekly”, Natalie plays soccer, basketball and tennis, is a Model UN captain and outside of school she is the Executive Director of March for Our Lives Chicago.