Letter from Next Year’s Editors
Serving as your 2019-20 Editors-in-Chief of “The Parker Weekly,” we are excited to continue a proud Parker tradition of strong journalism. Since the inception of “The Weekly,” the publication has served both as an effective check on administration and students and as a tool to inform the student body, whom we serve.
One of our aims is to attract more students to our stunning website. Over the course of the 2018-19 school year, “The Weekly” website underwent substantial changes including a URL change and the use of a new digital format for viewing print issues. Our website received two prestigious awards from Student Newspapers Online, a national organization, and we will continue to improve our website under the supervision of our new online editors: Nick Skok and Zach Joseph.
In a turbulent time in our country’s history, when millions of Americans are questioning the credibility of both the media and authority, we have a unique responsibility to fulfill one of Parker’s founding principles: to question relentlessly.
We look forward to serving you!
Ian, Avani, and Alex