Letter To The Editors, Issue 5 –– Volume CVIV
In Response To The Backpage
As an avid reader of the Parker Weekly, I, like many other Parker students, always flip to the back page to check out the memes. I enjoy seeing meme references from popular culture applied to events that have occurred within our school/student body, and I look forward to laughing about them with my peers and classmates. However, this year, the backpage has undergone a significant change that has made the quality of the memes so much greater: They’re jokes everyone can get. In past years, the memes referenced raunchy events that occurred at out-of-school parties/get-togethers to which only a handful of students were invited. A large portion of the students, therefore, including myself at times, did not understand these memes and had to ask classmates for clarification, undermining the memes’ purpose. When I advocated for a change last year for the memes to be more inclusive, people simply laughed at me and said, “It’s tradition.” This year, though, memes solely reference events that have occurred within school, whether that be at an MX, school-sponsored event, or simply a running joke. Students are no longer looking at the memes confused, pulling their classmates aside for an explanation. Similarly, events that deserve to stay private remain this way. Memes are something we all love. Let’s not craft them for them to be found amusing by just a few.