The Notorious NFC

Max Keller Runs Sports Instagram Account With 12.4K Followers

Image from NFC North Report on Instagram

Pass! Run! Score! Many students at Parker count down the days until they can see their favorite NFL team take on an opponent in an entertaining game of football. Freshman Max Keller is one of these people. Keller’s love for the Chicago Bears and football in general is what led him to create his Instagram account: NFC North Report.

Keller started his account in December of 2018. “I had a lot of opinions about football and at the time there was another NFC North account, but I thought I could do a better job than them, so I started my own NFC North account,” Keller said.

Keller chose to focus on NFC North because that is the league that his favorite team, the Bears, is a part of. The NFC North consists of the Chicago Bears, the Green Bay Packers, the Minnesota Vikings, and the Detroit Lions. “I’m a big Bears fan, but there were a lot of other Bears accounts when I first started, so I decided to create an account about the NFC North as a whole because I thought I could grow more,” Keller said.

A little over a year after starting his account, Keller now has 12,400 followers. Due to the nature of the account, the majority of Keller’s followers, demographically, are from the Midwest, but “around two percent of my followers are even from the UK,” Keller said. The largest contingency of NFC North Report’s fan base is boys in high school or college.

Over February break, a lot of smaller football accounts reached out to Keller seeking his help. “That got me thinking. What if I was the advisor to a bunch of different NFC North accounts?” Keller said. Keller decided to help four members of his fanbase each create their own accounts. The accounts that his fans are running are NFC Bears, NFC Vikings, NFC Lions, and NFC Packers. “We all use the same type of graphics, captions, and formats. We are kind of like a media brand in the way that we all promote for each other,” Keller said.

The person who runs the NFC Bears account is a North Central College student named Brandon Kopec. Kopec grew up in Chicago. Over the past couple of months, Keller has helped to run and grow Kopec’s account. “He has helped me grow a lot,” Kopec said. One way that Keller has helped all of his associated NFC accounts grow is through his graphics. “The best part of his account is probably his way of being professional with all of his graphics,” Kopec said. He also believes that what separates NFC North Report from other football accounts is the knowledge that Keller obtains and how professional he and his account are.

In exchange for Keller’s advice, the smaller accounts help him with some of the logistics of their media company. One of the things that his accounts are helping to create for him is a website where followers can share their opinions on specific matters. “It will be a really cool space for everyone to share their opinions,” Keller said.

If one were to look at NFC North Report’s feed, one would see a lot of bright colors. Keller’s graphics are typically colorful pictures of players with bolded words. On February 20, NFC North posted a set of four graphics, each one depicting a different opinion about each team with the team’s colors. This post received 1,128 comments and several large debates within the comments section. The second picture was a graphic of the Packers’ quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, with the words, “Aaron Rodgers will not win another Super Bowl with the Packers.” One follower disagreed about this opinion and commented, “Cap. Rodgers on the come up.” Keller welcomes the controversy because any post where he targets the Packers, “makes a lot of people really mad, but it also gets a lot of likes and comments,” Keller said, “which helps me to get on the explore page, which helps my following grow.” NFC North Report’s bright colors and opinionated captions are what separates it from others.

NFC North Report has a big fan base outside of Parker, but many of Keller’s friends also follow the account. “I have been following from the beginning,” said freshman Henry Weil. Along with most of Keller’s fan base, Weil’s favorite part of his account is the content of the colorful and informative graphics.

NFC North Report’s fanbase also separates it from similar accounts. “The fanbase is really unique because it is super diverse,” Keller said. “It is a bunch of different people who all share the same interests.” Keller enjoys his fanbase and seeing his fan’s reactions to his sometimes controversial posts. “They are all coming together to discuss the same topic, football, on my page,” Keller said. “That is what I really like.”