Fuel Our Heroes

Parker Students Work to Assist Medical Professionals During COVID-19

Photo credit: Photo Courtesy of Spencer O’Brien

Fuel Our Heroes Chicago’s Instagram Profile.

While the majority of the world is quarantining at their homes, many medical professionals are working double their normal hours. Many have noticed this as a major problem in the pandemic, and have taken action, including junior Teddi Pritzker.

Pritzker joined the organization “Fuel Our Heroes” and has taken an active role in its expansion through the creation of the Chicago branch. Fuel Our Heroes is a non-profit organization that has partnered with various health organizations around the country and works to raise money for personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, groceries, gas cards, childcare, and housing for medical professionals. As it says on their website, “we are raising money for the ones who need it most.”

“The workers out there were getting sick. Because some hospitals don’t have money, they didn’t have masks or gloves,” Pritzker said. “Out of all of us, they should be the ones taken care of the best.”

Pritzker became involved in Fuel Our Heroes through her cousin, Sacha Pritzker, who started the organization in Los Angeles after partnering with friends from college. The Los Angeles branch of the organization has partnered with UCLA health to raise funds. The organization currently has branches all over the country, including in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Austin, Nashville, and Boston. According to Pritzker, the organization hopes to continue to spread all throughout the country.

The Chicago branch has currently partnered with Sinai hospital and has raised $33,000 out of a goal of $50,000. “The money we have raised has made all the difference,” Pritzker said. “They do not have a lot of funding for their workers, so the money goes toward them specifically for PPE equipment…the battle for them is not over. While we are all at home, they are all out there fighting.” Fuel Our Heroes Chicago has also partnered with the Chicago restaurant Gene and Georgetti’s who reached out to the organization and is currently in the process of developing a plan where the restaurant provides meals for healthcare workers. 

According to Pritzker, Fuel Our Heroes Chicago does not have a set plan of action after reaching their monetary goal, however, they hope to continue to raise money for healthcare workers until a cure is discovered. “It’s really awesome because it’s part of such a bigger thing,” Pritzker said.

Senior Sadie Soren and Junior Nathalie San Fratello got involved in Fuel Our Heroes Chicago through Pritzker and have since been a part of the Chicago team. “This is an easy way to make an impact with our time at home,” San Fratello said. 

As members of the Chicago team, San Fratello and Soren create social media posts to spread awareness about the organization and its efforts as well as networking through emails. “The work we do is really cool,” Soren said.

San Fratello encourages Parker students to get involved in the organization. “It’s important for Parker students to branch out with the work they put in during their highschool careers,” San Fratello said. “I believe that by networking and promoting to outer organizations and causes you can learn and make a difference in social issues that are prevailing outside of our community. Any kind of social work makes a difference.”