I’m Pretending You Asked, Issue 10

Dignity: Should You Have It?

During the Crimean war, there was a siege on the Russian forces in Sevastopol. The British Cavalry and the French Infantry were preparing to attack the small Russian force on one side of the hill, but instead, the incompetent British General pointed the entire army in the wrong direction, and they ended up marching on the full force of the entire Russian Army. 

To make things better, to even get close to the Russians, the famed British Light Brigade (the best Cavalry in the entire world) would have to charge through a small ravine whilst being blasted with Russian gunfire and cannon fire from all directions. Having already been spotted by Russian scouts, the General decided that they should charge into battle anyways – despite almost certain death. The Light Brigade then charged into battle, guns blazing, and were utterly slaughtered. A few of them made it over the embankment and were able to trash a Russian Camp before scattering, but the entire campaign had been an utter failure. Wanna know what they did have? Their dignity. 

What good it did them. Is basically committing suicide in the name of a good cause, just so that you can keep your ‘honor and dignity’ worth it? So what if there’s shame. You’re still alive, right? This is an extreme example, sure, but it applies to all situations. If I ran through the school naked, people might arrest me, and then say that I lost all of my dignity. Apart from getting arrested, people will say I’d lost my dignity. I believe that this is a matter of opinion and very stupid. What if I’m proud of being naked? I still have my dignity then. I think the concept of dignity is fairly stupid. 

All in all, if you care what other people think, then sure – dignity matters. But, if you don’t care what people think, then screw it. Dignity is stupid. The end! I love you.