Sadie Gallagher, Staff Writer

Solo Debate
Say No to the NFL

Deliberative Debates
Should Parker Security Be Armed?

Deliberate Debates
Testing: Yes or No?

Deliberate Debates
Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza?

Parker’s Best Dressed
Social Media and Fashion Featured on @FWPFits

Students are Sent Online, but not because of Covid-19…
A Look Into the Experience of Hurricane Ida and How it Affected Parker Alums at Tulane

Eating Out and About
Where Students and Staff Are Getting Lunch Outside of Parker

Time, Patience, and a Vaccine
A Look Into the COVID-19 Vaccine and its Distribution

Off, On and Off
Looking into the rocky in-school experience for the Parker eighth graders

Singing on Mute
A Look Into Upper School Virtual Choir Class

Socializing or Social Distancing?
A Look Into the Upper School Gatherings

The Insider View
A Look Through The Eyes of Students and Staff Going To School
How is Chicago Doing?
An update on COVID-19 from the eyes of working adults in Chicago