Masks Are Here to Stay
Mask Mandate Set for End of the 2022 School Year
Photo credit: The Parker Weekly
Parker Announces Masking will Return for the Remainder of the 2022 School Year
The mask policy at the Francis W. Parker school has, once again, changed. In an email on May 16, Principal Dan Frank and all three Divisions Heads advised the entire school community that masks would once again be mandatory in all indoor school spaces. As in a previous iteration of the mask policy, students are permitted to remove their masks briefly to eat or drink. Outdoor spaces remain mask optional, and there was no mention of reimposing strict social distancing protocols. The email made clear that masks would be required for the entire remainder of the school year for all school functions, even those occurring off campus.
This most recent change to the mask policy is the fourth change since March 4, 2022. In the first change to masking rules, effective March 7, the Administration advised the community that Parker would be “mask optional.” The rules changed again following Spring Break. In this iteration, Parker reinstated a mask mandate for two weeks due to increasing local Covid-19 positivity rates. Following the two weeks of indoor masking, on May 4, Parker transitioned to a “mask recommended” policy.
With this latest change to Parker’s masking protocol and the clear statement that no further changes are anticipated before the end of the 2021-22 school year, the Parker community will end the second full school year of the pandemic continuing to face coronavirus related restrictions.