Letter From the Editors, Issue 1

Hello, Parker!
Welcome to Issue 1 of “The Weekly.” We’re thrilled to be your Editors-in-Chief this year and look forward to continuing Parker’s tradition of ambitious and ethically-minded student journalism. We recognize the potential of “The Weekly” to serve simultaneously as an educational experience for our writers and community bulletin for the greater Parker community. We feel that Issue 1 is perfectly representative of this ideal. Before school even ended last year, “Weekly” staff members started to work on this issue—reporting, interviewing, and researching throughout the summer. We’re incredibly proud of the work produced by our motivated writers, and we are elated to share it with you now. Be sure to take a look at Alex Schapiro’s Playlist of “The Weekly” on page 6 for a roundup of what’s hot in Chicago’s music scene, and Alex Ori’s eye-opening feature on hazing at Parker on page 12.
Here’s to another fantastic year at 330 W. Webster!
Sammy, Avani, and Sophia