Parker Colonels Face The Latin Romans

Varsity Field Hockey Wins 1-0

This past Friday, the varsity field hockey team won their match against Latin amid breezy 60 degree temperatures and rain showers.

The game began at 4:15pm, with a handful of spectators lining the park-side of Latin’s turf field and both field hockey teams lining the opposite side.

The Romans made no hesitation as they speedily moved the ball towards their side multiple times, coming very close to hitting a few shots into the goal. The Colonels’ defense, however, responded strongly, hitting the ball back again and again, making for a very exciting first half.

There were no points scored during the first 30 minutes, but Parker would soon change the score in their favor.

After halftime, Latin continued to make plays, moving them closer to scoring the first goal of the match. With around 15 minutes left, Latin cornered the goal, which didn’t end in a score.

While it seemed that both teams were going to face a 0-0 tie, senior Sophie Becker pulled through and scored Parker’s first goal with only a few minutes to spare. Her teammates were ecstatic, cheering and screaming from the sidelines as Parker spectators shouted under their umbrellas.

The final score was 1-0, and the Parker varsity girls celebrated another victory almost a week after their successful homecoming game.