Maya Plotnick, Alderman Liaison

Three Parker Teachers Say Goodbye After 100 Years

Scholastic Super Stars
Three Parker students take home art and writing awards

Michele Smith: “Us or guns, America. Which is it?”
An interview with Parker's Alderwoman, Michele Smith of the 43rd Ward.
MLK Day or Study Break?
High Schoolers Want More From History Class
Alderman Liaison
Zoo Lights, Alleyways, and Staying Active

Senior Lola Belaval
The Twelfth Grade’s Newest Addition

Alderman Liaison – Issue 3
The Happenings of Parker and Lincoln Park
Emanuel Says Chicago Is a Trump-Free Zone
The Mayor’s Recent Statement In Relation To FWP

Goodbye For Now, Library
$5 Million Renovation Underway
Recent Alumni Still Got a Piece of the House
Eight Parker Graduates Talk College to Juniors and Seniors
Parker Jumpstarts First Refugee Drive
Collection Of School Supplies And Winter Apparel Makes Us ‘Think Globally and Act Locally’
[Video] An Evening of Poetry
English Department Hosts Reading Event in Library
[Video] Bieliz-ing in the New Dean
Connecting to his Students Through Candy
[Video] Parker Colonels Face The Latin Romans
Varsity Field Hockey Wins 1-0
[Video] Varsity Field Hockey vs. Homewood-Flossmoor
Parker Scores Homecoming Victory, Wins 5-0
Varsity Field Hockey vs. Glenbard West
Parker Girls Have A Tough Match, Lose 0-5
Musical Announced
This Year's Show: "Bring It On"
Does Movement Impact Learning?
Parker Teachers go Overseas for Education Conference