Sejal Ahuja, Editor In Chief

Who is “The Chaouk Man?”
An in-depth interview with junior Alexander Chaouki

Fifty Years of FWP
A discussion with Dan Frank in honor of his 50 year high school reunion

A Welcome Courtyard Addition
New playground equipment installed

College is an Accomplishment
Has college talk in the Upper School taken on too harsh a tone?

The BSU Social
Parker’s Black Student Union hosts the first BSU Social in Chicago history

The Need to Remember
Exploring the significance of Veteran's Day as a holiday

White Out Venue
Major Parker basketball games changes locations out of Lincoln Park

A Not-so-Casual Community Initiative
Upper Schoolers Team up to Make Unity Fashionable

From Parker to Private Practice
Meet Parker Alumnus Paul Adelstein

Summer Shouldn’t be a Bummer
Can fun exist in summers where education takes precedent?

Contreras’s New Conquest
Jimmy Contreras Retires after 40 years

Don’t Feed the Plants!
Parker Production of Little Shop of Horrors Dazzles Audience

A New Ingredient In Student Life
Juniors bring back the Parker baking club

A Place of Belonging
Parker’s new multi-racial affinity group brings multi-racial Upper School students together

Synapses Fire at Mind and Brain Class
A visiting surgeon works towards a more inclusive future for the field of neuroscience