Riya Jain, News Editor

Role Models: Who Inspires You?
A research study on who inspires boys vs girls

Latin Travels to Pompeii
Latin Classes at Parker Take a Trip to the Pompeii Exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry

An Audience Left Inspired
Poet Julian Randell ‘11 speaks at Morning Ex

Parker’s Physical Education classes should include mental health
Endangered Languages
Ms. Pritikin’s Enrichment Grant Research: Saint Malo and Brittany
MX Announcing Announcer
Bulls, Bears, Fire, and Illini Announcer Tim Sinclair speaks at MX

I’ll Ask Again: Where Is Everyone?
Part 2 on my confusion of the lack of support at girl's basketball games

Discussing Boundaries
Health Department leads mental and physical health programming to Junior class

Where Is Everyone?
Girls Sports At Parker Need More Attention

From Singer To Song-Writer
Junior Wren Dudney shares on her musical work and aspirations

Election Judging
An unprecedented amount of Parker students were election judges

Studying The Plague
New Literature of the Plague Class Introduced

Embryonic Democracy At Work
Student Body Elects New Officials

Instagram Campaigns 4 the Win
Student Government Election Instagrams Are Great

The Rise of Latin (no, not the school)
Popularity of Parker's Latin Classes Increase

TikTok at Parker
Anika Gehani and her TikTok account with 31.7k followers

Playing in a Pandemic
Athletes Give Their Perspective on the Return to Sports