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The student news site of Francis W. Parker School

The Parker Weekly

The student news site of Francis W. Parker School

The Parker Weekly

The student news site of Francis W. Parker School

The Parker Weekly

Sammy Kagan

Sammy Kagan, Editor-in-Chief

Sammy Kagan is excited to spend his senior year as Editor-in-Chief of “The Weekly.” He enjoys frequenting the cheese section at Jewel-Osco and hates stiff blue jeans. Sammy proudly wears a blue and white string bracelet on his left wrist which reads “WEEKLY,” despite constant assurance from his friends that such an accessory is wildly embarrassing. Ask to see it; he made it himself.

All content by Sammy Kagan
Seebold and McHale dance together on stage at the Retirement Morning Ex.

Don’t You (Forget About Me)

Seebold and McHale Retire After Combined 75 Years
Sammy Kagan, Editor in Chief
June 6, 2019
Limmer has occupied his post at Chicago Sinai Congregation for nearly five years.

Unorthodox Orthodoxy

Sammy Kagan, Editor-in-Chief
May 10, 2019
Juniors Gigi Lopez and Anjali Chandel, heads of Students Affirming Gender Equality (SAGE), speak at Gender Week’s closing ceremony.

Introducing Gender Week

Conversations on Gender & Culture Make Waves
Sammy Kagan, Editor in Chief
April 5, 2019
Laufer Enters Chia Pet Industry, War with Olt

Laufer Enters Chia Pet Industry, War with Olt

Former English Teacher Discovers New Passion
Sammy Kagan, Editor in Chief
March 31, 2019
Cole (left) and Susan Weingartner illustrate the joy and concentration needed to create a thrown pot using a potter’s wheel. Photo courtesy of Francis W. Parker School.

“She Was One of A Kind and A Parker Legend”

Parker Mourns the Passing of Deborah Cole, Longtime Art Teacher
Sammy Kagan, Editor in Chief
January 31, 2019
Senior Sammy Kagan (left) and junior Avani Kalra (right) pose after presenting at the NSPA/JEA High School Journalism Convention about their experiences with censorship and advice to students at other schools.

A City of Censorship

5 Student Newspapers Reflect on Their Experiences
Grace Buono and Sammy Kagan
January 31, 2019
Senior Sammy Kagan (left) and junior Avani Kalra (right) pose after presenting at the NSPA/JEA High School Journalism Convention about their experiences with censorship and advice to students at other schools.

A City of Censorship

Five Student Publications Reflect on Their Experiences
Sammy Kagan and Grace Buono
January 31, 2019
Senior Olivia Garg distributes PRIDE bead necklaces at Student Government.

[Photo] Too Little Pride?

Paige Shayne, Features Editor
November 20, 2018

Parker Alumna to Win Historic Victory

Ayanna Pressley ‘92 To Become First Woman of Color To Represent Massachusetts in Congress
Sammy Kagan, Avani Kalra, and Lindsay Carlin
October 30, 2018

Get to Know the Candidates

A race-by-race look at the Student Government Elections
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
May 27, 2018
Junior Sarah-Jayne Austin, one of over 30 Parker students to serve as election judges, fills out registered voter certificates on Election Day while signing in voters.

Participating in Our (Embryonic) Democracy

First-time voters and student election judges
Sammy Kagan and Maya Sanghvi
April 8, 2018
Students process to the 17 minutes of silence on "Walkout" day.

PODCAST: The Walkout

Politics with the Parker Weekly
Sophomore Senna Gardner (left) is helping to organize the city-wide "March for Our Lives" on March 24.

Parker Students Organize City-Wide March

Natalie Daskal and Senna Gardner Aid Youth-Led “March for Our Lives”
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
March 19, 2018
Sammy Kagan, the author, reads "Letter Beginning with Two Lines" by Czesław Miłosz just before students came together to observe 17 minutes of silence in honor of the Parkland victims. The tribute took place roughly a week after the lockdown drill.

Locking Down for Our Lives

How Lockdown Drills Aid Empathy for School Shootings
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
March 19, 2018
Olivia Garg wears a grass headband while hiking through the Utah Desert at night on her school orientation trip.

Garg Takes the High Mountain Institute

Junior Olivia Garg Leaves Parker For a Semester Away
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
February 16, 2018

A Blast from the Past

It’s Nerf or Nothing for Nick Saracino
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
January 31, 2018

QUIZ: Which Section Editor Are You?

Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
December 1, 2017
Parker alum Avery Bedows, who is the founder and CEO of Altar Virtual Reality, presents on how three dimensional note taking can help the world become more creative and effective.

TEDxParkerSchool Returns

Parker Hosts Renowned Speakers in “The Pursuit of Creativity”
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
November 22, 2017
Meditating in Michigan City

Meditating in Michigan City

James Audrain Operates and Owns Northwest Indiana Buddhist Center
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
October 29, 2017
Senior captain Malcolm Hoerr heads the ball in front of St. Edward's William Gaston.

Photo courtesy of John Starks.

Parker Soccer Falls in Super Sectionals

Team is Stopped Short of State Semi-Final Once More
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
October 24, 2017
Lower School Counselor Kaela Rowe, second from left, and her family march with Parker in the Pride Parade.

What Are Parker Sponsored Events?

Community Reflects on Neutrality and School Actions
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
October 5, 2017

Starting Up the Future

Alumni Avery Bedows and his Virtual Reality Revolution
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
September 4, 2017

My Piece of the House, Issue 11

Should You Spend Your Summer Studying?
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
June 10, 2017

My Piece of the House, Issue 10

The Ups and Downs of the 14 Year Gang
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
May 17, 2017

A Woman of the People

State Representative and Parker Parent Kelly Cassidy Tackles the Issue of Our Times
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
May 17, 2017

My Piece of the House, Issue 9

The Importance of Ideas
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
April 26, 2017

My Piece of the House, Issue 7

Combatting Mid-Year Monotony
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
March 17, 2017

My Piece of the House, Issue 6

The Presidency Isn't a Punchline
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
February 11, 2017

My Piece of the House, Issue 5

Please Don't Change Our Clubs
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
December 21, 2016

My Piece of the House, Issue 4

We Should Fix Finals
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
December 6, 2016

[Video] US Model UN Trip to Vancouver

Illuminating Trip at a Cost
Stephen Brainerd, Staff Writer
November 30, 2016
My Piece of the House

My Piece of the House

Whatever Happened to Parker's Stadium Lights?
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
November 7, 2016

[Video] My Piece of the House

Homecoming at Parker: Fixing the Tradition
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
October 9, 2016

On Chemistry, Asthma, and Good Friends

An indepth look at freshman Avani Kalra
Sammy Kagan, Online Editor
September 30, 2016

My Piece of the House

Room 129 and Beyond: First-Day Experiences Throughout the Years
Sammy Kagan, Columnist
September 15, 2016
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Sammy Kagan